Research, education and professional exchange form the basis for the mobility of the future
We are committed to research and education in order to keep our specialist field constantly up to date and continuously expand it in innovative ways, but also to attract committed young talent.
We firmly believe that investing in interdisciplinary professional and personal exchange with a wide range of stakeholders at different points in their development is what makes innovative and sustainable mobility and traffic management possible in the first place.

Research and Pilotprojects
We not only develop innovative and sustainable mobility concepts or intelligent algorithms for our software solutions ourselves, but also work closely with various cooperation partners in research and pilot projects to develop new approaches across disciplines and test them under different framework conditions.
Our experience extends to funding bodies at state and federal level (BASt, BMVI) and also internationally (e.g. World Bank).
In addition to AI and machine learning, our research projects are currently focusing on CCAM
What current and future use cases are there for networking and communication between means of transport, transport users and infrastructure?
How can the new data content be used efficiently to generate added value for all stakeholders, road users and infrastructure providers, without neglecting sustainability, economic and social objectives?
We can find answers to these and other questions in these projects, for example:
- AIAMO – Artificial Intelligence and Mobility
- BMVI LOGIN, Hannover
- BMVI ViVre, Braunschweig
- BASt: Weiterentwicklung RiLSA
- BASt: C2X - optimized control strategies for traffic lights
- KoMoDnext, Düsseldorf
- BiDiMoVe, Hamburg

What is your idea for the future of mobility?
We support your research and pilot projects with our expertise!

Education and university cooperation
We see our contribution to shaping a sustainable future not only in professional exchange. Our investment in the future is also an investment in future colleagues who can build on our experience, further develop the tried and tested and introduce new ideas. To this end, we share our knowledge in cooperation with universities in talks, lectures, workshops and joint projects.
Lecturers and students gain valuable insights into practice, we can pass on our specialist knowledge and at the same time benefit from new findings from the academic world for our customers.

We support professors and lecturers
- In the lecture design depending on the study objectives/curriculum (Bachelor, Master)
- With material, project examples and practical tasks
- Campus licenses for our software solutions
- Lectures and workshops with experienced transportation experts on various topics, such as
- General principles, guidelines and specifications
- Different approaches worldwide, e.g. in traffic control
- C-ITS and CCAM use cases and application examples
- Trends and future topics (sustainability, multimodality, e-mobility)
- Insights into the day-to-day work of a traffic engineer mobility expert
- Introduction to our traffic engineer workplace LISA
- etc.
- With topics for term papers, bachelor and master theses
- Free student licenses for our software
- Internship and working student activities
Do you want to inspire young people for the mobility of the future?
So do we! We are happy to support you according to your curriculum. Get in touch with us!

Associations and committees,
trade fairs and congresses
Implementation in practice often requires further steps and changes in existing systems, coordination with a large number of stakeholders. Without such involvement, promising innovations can also fizzle out ineffectively.
By actively participating in associations and working groups, we can share our expertise, exchange best practices and work together on solutions for current challenges and on standards and guidelines for the successful implementation of new approaches in practice.
We also find and offer professional exchange through our participation in specialist congresses and trade fairs or the events we organize ourselves on various topics. Whether as speakers, lecturers or trade visitors, we share our knowledge and are open to new ideas.

FGSV (Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen)
- FGSV 3.3.1 - Working group recommendations for the technology change C-ITS at traffic signal systems

ODG & Partner (OCIT Developer Group and Partner)
- ODG-Working Group OCIT-C